Sawmill Facility
After fourteen years of offering portable sawmill services, starting in April 2024, we will be operating our sawmill facility in Saxapahaw. The address is 5820 Lindley Mill Road, Graham, NC 27253— two miles from downtown Saxapahaw.
At the new facility, we will be offering custom milling services and local lumber for sale. Bring your logs to the mill, or have them delivered. We mill by the hour ($150/hr; $25/blade) on our fastest mill (LT-50).
Extra Large Lucas Mill (36”-72” dia) – Milling at the Sawmill
Milling– $250/hr
Blades– $100 per blade used; $150/blade damaged
Loading/Unloading oversized logs– $140/hr
Two-hour minimum
Extra Large Lucas Mill (36”-72” dia) – Milling at Your Location
Milling and Setup: Fixed rate $3600/day
Includes Lucas Mill, track loader, LT-40 sawmill, and two workers
0.80 cents/bf for first week; 0.15/bf per day afterwards
1,000 bf min; uniform thickness only; 25% max moisture content at start
Hauling Logs/Pickup
Log Truck/Dump Trailer – $225/hr round-trip (you load)
Track Loader and Log Truck/Trailer (we load) – $650/half-day; $1300/full-day
Log truck: 16k per load, 9-12’ lengths; Dump trailer, 12k per load, <16’ length
Stickers: $1/each; kiln-dried 1x1x3
Helper: $35/hr
Track Loader Work – $140/hr
Chainsaw Work– $140/hr
Stickering and Stacking: $50/hr
Lumber storage/air-drying: first week free; 12.50/wk per pallet
Delivery: $400 per load (10k); first 30 min free then $140/hr