Local Contacts

Here’s a list of local arborists, sawmills, kiln operators, excavators, furniture-makers, and builders who may be able to help you with your trees and woodworking projects.


The Treeist— 919-260-8970

Skillin Tree Care— 919-923-3669

Tree-Health Consultants

Wrights Brothers’ Tree Service, 919-260-1865


Stan Smith, Arnold Smith Excavation— 919-606-4919

Brock Wilkerson, Wilkerson Grading— 919-219-9143

Stump Grinders

Mr. Stumpgrinder, 336-525-9995

Treeist— 919-260-8970

Barn Builders

Steve Cote— 919-548-0303

Red Dirt Design Build— 919-357-5533

Custom Green Home Builders

Heirloom Builders, Saxapahaw, Logan Parker, 919-619-8140

Newphire Building, Chapel Hill, Kevin Murphy, (919)928-2664

Jensen Rolls, Rolls Construction, 336-365-8673


John Neville, 919-724-7423

Meredith Hart, (913) 568-9810

Kiln Operators

Avery, Wildedge Woodcraft— 919-808-7172

Scott Smith, Whispering Pines Farm, 919-291-0095

Lumber Buyers

Triangle Forest Products, Mebane, (919)563-9566

Braxton’s, Graham, (336)376-6798

Bobcat Operators/Log Pick-Up

Leland Reilich, Hillsborough, 919-270-4903

Planing Services

Fitch Lumber, Carrboro, 919-942-3153

Wildedge Woodcraft, Rougemont, Avery— 919-808-7172

Hardwood/Live-Edge Lumber Sales

Avery, Wildedge Woodcraft, Rougemont— 919-808-7172

Hardwood Store of NC, Gibsonville, 919-449-9627